Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shoulders, Shenanigans and Sh... what else begins with Sh-? Alliteration is hard.

So, only about eight weeks until I land back in the UK! I realised as I was watching the Antiques Roadshow (on every afternoon on Channel Nine here), that I could simply type stuff on Microsoft Word and copy and paste it with my five or ten minute quota time on the blog. Speaking of which, sorry for the lack of hyperlinks detailing what I’m on about; the filtering means it is a simpler version of the blog site and I have to encode them in HTML format which I have no real idea how to do!

Hopefully mu shoulder will have fully recovered by the time I get home. For those that don’t know, I’ve slightly torn the AC joint playing rugby. This is not too bad; a full tear would have put me out for a good six weeks meaning I wouldn’t get another game in Oz. As it happens I’m having physio and treatment and should be back in a couple more weeks. Still, it is really frustrating, especially never having been injured before, but I guess it had to happen some time. The most frustrating part is watching and losing fitness, especially after such a good pre-season and start to the season. Such is life.

The school’s First XV is going well, we recorded our second win of the season yesterday, though they worked rather harder for it than they needed – after scoring first we then had 15 unanswered points scored against and left ‘til the last fifteen minutes to do anything about it! We clung on for a good 19-15 win though. Real test next week when we take on Pembroke, the team with all the ex-pats and foreign coaches; definitely the team to beat.

What else is new? I’ve picked up even more work now in the last few weeks before mid-term exams tutoring and scribing for a few boys in the run up as they prove too much to handle for teacher’s trying to get people ready before these tests! My laptop is really on its last legs, having been infected by the school internet and now they refuse to do anything about it claiming it’s not their fault and recommending outside help, which seeing as I am trying to save is not ideal. (Sorry Mum and Dad, probably not the best place to announce it…). Aside from that I am trying to keep myself out of trouble, and like I say, trying to save for my little trip home. I’ve been in touch with the travel agents and there’s no need to worry about ash clouds, apparently they’re flying round them now… I’ll let you know how that goes!

I best sign off and get to ready to head to the club for some fitness and ultrasound treatment (don’t worry, I’m not pregnant, the sound waves help promote healing in the shoulder). Hope everyone is well back home. Cheers for following my blog so closely!

Pj xx

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