It would appear I have a somewhat fervent and beloved following on the ol' Bloggeroo... So I apologise sincerely for my lack of recent activity.
I do, however, have a legitimate reason that I hope you will understand. Since 15th September I have been incredibly busy:
Firstly, the last week of term (21st-25th September) was packed with all manner of activities, including the "Blue and White" and School and Allen House Dinner. As well as all manner of other end of term activities which combined to leave me with little time!
Secondly, since leaving for Alice Springs on 27th September, I have barely been near a computer, let alone had to time to write a Blog post detailing all my amazing activities! Needless to say though, there is plenty to say!
Including a much needed and long overdue congratulations to the Big Bloke, who successfully completed his Big Bike Ride on 30th September 2009. Well done, Dad!
After cricket, which is where I am going now, expect a few fuller Blogs explaining and detailing my epic adventures.....
For now, though, here's a little teaser:

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